our second award-winning publication ...

Meet Faith
FAITH FLAMINGO longed to have lanky legs like her peers. However, she drew the short stick when it came to height. She couldn’t figure out her purpose or find any self-confidence. Every Friday, just when FAITH seemed to get comfortable in her skin, her friends disappeared into thin air and she had no clue why. Find out how FAITH walks along a journey in the Everglades of Florida to find her true purpose, and how she comes to love herself as everyone else does.
FAITH FLIES is a 750-word fiction book targeted to emerging independent readers ages 6-10. Other features include an informational fact section on various flamingo species.
Go to the PRESS tab to see Faith's recent awards!
About Allifish Press

Photo by Hope Wilton

Allifish Press is owned and operated by Allison F. Speer, writer-turned-mom-turned-teacher. A newspaper reporter for 15 years, Speer has won a number of awards for investigative reporting and feature writing both in Connecticut and in Texas newspapers and magazines. She is the mother of twin girls and is a reading teacher in Fort Worth, Texas. "Theodore" is her first children's book and "Faith Flies" launched in June 2021.
About the artists
Bobby Ligon is a second generation artist who became a fine acrylic painter at his mother's easel. After a distinguished career as a graphic artist and painter, he merged the two into a fun watercolor world of illustration. He lives in Aledo, Texas with his wife and two young daughters.
He also has five grown sons and four beautiful grandchildren. His art not only graces canvases and pages, but also brings wonder to children’s imagination. See more of his work at www.bobbyligonart.com.
Mike Jones, Jr. is a former graphic design professor turned full-time illustrator. He has done illustrations for magazines, advertisements and comic books. FAITH FLIES is his first fully-illustrated children's book. It is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream! Mike lives with his family in Abilene, Texas and his work can be found at www.mikejonesjr.net.
Upcoming Events
Local Author Book Fair

Saturday, September 28, 1-3 p.m.
Leaves Book and Tea shop
Corner of Magnolia and 5th Avenue